Sunday, August 15, 2010

Getting Grass! Yay!

The end of April this year we finally got some grass! The kids were sooooo excited and couldn't hardly wait to be able to play on it. Carson and Sam did all the dirty and hard work putting in a new sprinkling system in our lovely lava rock filled back yard! I really wanted to do a ground level trampoline but soon realized that would never ever happen! Carson's dad and brothers and their families came over and helped us lay the sod and then just like that we had a backyard and front yard with grass! Yay!
The yard still needs a ton of work done but I feel it is a never ending project!

The ground was so filled with rock that we had to
rent a trencher to even dig a few inches for the pipe.

The kids hanging out on the pallets of sod

Viola! Done!

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Bummer yard work. I wish mine was done too! :)