Monday, August 17, 2009

Killin' 2 birds with 1 stone....

...well, two reunions with one stone anyway. This summer I had 3 family reunions all the same weekend and all on the Kaibab mountain. Needless to say, we only made it to 2. We stayed with my moms side of the family (the Hunt's) and just visited my dads side of the family (the Judd's). It was a lot of fun and we had a great weekend! Until the end of the trip that is, when on the way home I realized I had lost my wallet somewhere on the mountain so I had to cancel all my cards and get a new drivers license only to find out a week later I had left it in my moms camp trailer! Oh ya, Carson's trucks motor also decided to start making horrible noises on the way home. We made it home thankfully, but we no longer have a truck until we replace the motor (ya, that's only going to cost us $1800, if Carson does it himself!!!) Oh the luck!
Anyway, we had fun and the kids didn't want to come home.

Ellie playing Frisbee with Aunt Leah

Not the hottest pic, but it was day 2 of camping!

Not a happy camper :(

making homemade ice cream with great grampsy.

McKayle and Ayzie

Ellie won the only thing she put tickets in for
at the family raffle. Yay!

Fishing pond

He looks like a homeless beggar!
What a kid.

Cole won a rocket launcher at the family raffle.

playing baseball with daddy

Ayz could care less about all the twigs, she crawled everywhere!

Cole rode the four wheeler around our camp all weekend.
He does a really good job!


Lisa said...

We really missed being at the reunion this year! Looks like everyone had a great time. we will be there for sure next year :)

Raelene said...

wow that looks like a pretty nice looking family, we must be related or something!! : ) we just missed you guys up there our reunion was like two weekends before yours! Zander likes first grade too, but he says it lasts forever! he's tired when he gets home too! they'll get used to it.