Thursday, January 24, 2008

Christmas with the Honey's 2007

We have had quite the Christmas and New Year. My Grandpa Hunt passed away December 14 just before Christmas. My Dad's uncle died Dec. 19. And to top it all off Carson's Grandma Barb passed away January 5. It has been a hard couple of months. I feel like we have all done pretty well including the kids. They loved Grandma Barb and Grandpa Hunt so much. Ellie still asks about Grandma Barb all the time and says she loves her and she needs to wake up. It is so hard explaining to a 2 year old where Grandma Barb is.
On to a more happy note, Christmas was so much fun this year. It gets better every year. The kids understand it more, and they get more excited about Santa coming every year. My Mom came over this year and had Christmas with us. We all loved having her here. My sister and her family came over a little bit later and the kids got to play. It was a great Christmas!

1 comment:

Tyler and Kacie said...

Your page is so cute! Pretty soon I won't have to look at your blog to know what's going on in your life....I can just call you and tell you to come over =0) YEAH!!!!