Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hunt Reunion 2011

Our Hunt reunion was in June this year on the Kaibab mountain. It was so cold at night sleeping in a tent but somehow we survived. It was a lot fun and the kids got so disgustingly dirty. I love my family reunions!

Only a mother could love that face :)

Cake walk with the cousins

Treasure Hunt

Best buds~ Ayzie and McKayle

My Ellie belly

My sisters

Handsome Hubby

Look at those faces! We couldn't keep them out of the dirt. They pretty much looked like this the entire time.

We do a family raffle every year where each family brings something to put in the raffle. Its to earn money for the family so that we can do reunions every year. All three of my kids got their names drawn out on something.

Ayzie and her bag full of prizes

Ellie won this puppy backpack filled with candy. She was in heaven!

Lucky Cole won a boomerang and a remote control helicopter.

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